It's no secret that the name of the Instagram handle and the Facebook page have changed. The change might have you asking: "What's up with that, Zach?". It's true there was nothing specifically wrong with the old name "Reiki and Sound Healing with Zach" though it did lack a certain je ne sais quoi... actually I do know what- it was boring!
In the last 8 months or so of really trying to brand himself, we realized that putting the Reiki first was limiting. The name was too long as well and people don't really connect the term Sound Healing with what it can do for them. People are more familiar with Reiki, which helps, but to get them from understanding what Reiki does to how Sound Healing works takes a little while.
So we were at the shop the other day (Zach personally approved this Letterkenny Reference) and we were talking with some good friends and they pointed out that Zach's thing really is the Sound Healing. It's always been the Sound Healing. He likes and practices the Reiki too but he's specialized beyond the healing touch and the energy work. He has a love and a passion for the science of how the frequencies of each of his instruments interacts with and creates resonance with our bodies and our energy centers (chakras). He loves his tools... men and their tools, am I right? Also HAMMERRRRRR!!! (Quick, someone tag Tank Tolman)
I honestly had already been thinking about the name change before that conversation. It was merely the tipping point. Zach originally wanted to do music recording as a major and then he decided to explore massage because he has a passion for helping others and making them feel better. This intersection in his interests in sound and healing has always been there and the Sound Healing is the purest expression of that.
So, yes, The Chakra Tuner- it speaks to the nature of what Zach does and who he is... and best of all? I think it's catchy!
Copyright Osgood Family Acupuncture PLLC 2022