Acupuncture &
Health Solutions

Revitalizing  health and guiding through life transitions. 
Specializing in Perinatal and Cosmetic Concerns.

Offerings to fit YOU!

Have you ever been in too much pain to drive to an office to see someone? I have.  That's why I offer in-home acupuncture visits and meet you where you are.

In-Hospital Acupuncture Available at Strong Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital within the Obstetrics and Gynecology Dept.

Want to get acupuncture in more of a traditional setting?  My cheerful acupuncture office might just be for you! Located in Newark, NY I have worked to make this space a retreat that brings the outside in as a part of the healing process.

Giving birth is a rite of passage.  I support birthing people to find their individual pathway regardless of how the experience unfolds.

Looking to add an Acupuncturist to your Labor Support Team? I'm credentialed with the OBGYN Dept at Strong and Highland!

Are you looking for ways to reap the benefits of your placenta postpartum?  Whether your preference is Encapsulation or Tincture, I can help!

Zach Osgood is a Certified Expert Sound Healer and he uses Reiki and Healing Frequencies to tune and balance your chakras for an enhanced sense of wellbeing and relaxation.

Using tuning forks, he can use precision in applying sound waves to tune your chakras to the optimal frequency.  He also uses Singing Bowls and is certified in Singing Pyramids. 

Chimes or other musical instruments and Crystals may also be used in your session.  Additionally, any guides that you would like can be called upon.



Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







Melody is a Licensed Acupuncturist, doula, and Childbirth Educator specializing in cosmetic concerns and perinatal concerns. Serving Newark, Rochester and everywhere in between.

The Chakra Tuner: Certified Expert Sound Healer and Reiki Master providing Reiki and Sound Healing Tune-ups in Newark, NY


AcuSound Healing

Assessment of your condition, evaluation and treatment by Melody Osgood, LAc using acupuncture. While the acupuncture needles are retained, Zach Osgood uses Reiki and Tuning Forks tuned to the specific frequency of each chakra to balance your energy centers.  After that, he will use Crystal Singing Bowls, Crystal Singing Pyramids or other sound healing instruments as indicated for your specific case.  Once the sound healing and reiki has concluded, I will remove the needles and step out for you to gather yourself.

The Chakra Tuner:
Zach Osgood

Offering Chakra Tuning Sessions in Newark, NY and virtually

Thursdays  12pm to 5pm

Fridays 12p to 5pm

Tuesdays at Mythic Treasures Healing Room

1225 Jefferson Rd Rochester, NY 14623


$45 for 30 minutes

$75 for 60 minutes

PEMF Infared 7 Chakra Mat:

$30 added to Reiki or Sound healing session

To learn more about Reiki and Sound Healing

What To Expect During a Session

Get a Tune-up!
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